Special Guest Expert - Travis Hurley.mp4: this eJwljstqwzAQRX_FaNGVY-FXHoZQXBraQjcl6doIaeyISJYqja2akH-vTJdzh3PuvRNuRoQRO1wskIa0JCVy9MhGDp0UpCl29b4oyzolfPJo9OTB_T-2-baqi5Qwzs0UDWtY7g91vktJL0GJbmR6dfZSQdTeAnODJ82dTE7F-IpofUNpCCEbjBkUMCt9xo2mwskZ6FzQFfU0N9evZfPCneCdDtVrK9Tnz4e5tEN_O4k9Pz8zhUcNQrInbybH4ShMGJVh4jtWpQQlqnXJ2QKXTCVvE3hMTr8WHCab5OLYLH3yHnfBkmlbRaQ3TjOMzHo-Hn-HsWR3:1nPzAB:uYwtBrVg5ALtBs28FolhuRBNQsM video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
So here's the big question.
Our entrepreneurs
Like us who have been hustling and struggle to make it to success, who seem to make
It one step forward only to fall two steps back, we're are dedicated, determined. And driven. How do we finally break through? And with that is the question. And this podcast will give you the. My name is Brian Kelly. This. The mind body business.
Hello, everyone, and welcome, welcome, welcome to the Mind Body Business Show. This is going to be a very unique and very fabulous show because we have a very young man who has achieved a lot in a very short period of time. And I really am looking forward to picking his brain, his beautiful brain and determining why he's going down the path he is. It's a path that many have thought to go down, but very few actually put it in action. So I'm really excited to bring him on because he will be an inspiration to everyone who is out there, who is struggling, who maybe is stuck in a job and they want out and they want to find that there are alternatives out there and they want freedom, freedom from for making their own decisions. So I can't wait to introduce this young man. He is an amazing young man. His name is Travis Hurley. He'll be coming on in just a moment, I promise. The Mind Body Business Show It is a show that is developed for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs, and the sole purpose and mission of this show is to extract those successful nuggets. What makes other people successful extract that from them so that you can simply model what they have done to achieve their level of success and model is just a fancy word for copy. And that's the beautiful thing. Every person I've ever had on this show has absolutely no problem with you copying what they do. They're they're all givers. Every entrepreneur I've had on this show bar none.
There is not a single outlier to this. Every single one of them wishes to serve others. That is what drives them. And they love coming on shows like this podcast like this and helping others by revealing what their secrets to success are. So, and I know Travis will be no different. I cannot wait to share his brilliance with you, and another wonderful thing that I found out was successful people. They always had three traits, and I learned this by studying for a course. Oh gosh, just been over 10 years. I began studying just successful people. I wanted to find out what made them potentially more successful than someone like me. And what was it? What were those qualities? What were those things? What was their knowledge? What were the tools? What were their experience? And it came out to three things they kept bubbling up over and over and over. And those are the literal words that are the name of this show. So no one is mind to a person. Each of these individuals knew that their mindset was of the utmost importance the foundation for either their success or lack thereof. And it's all about a very positive and powerful mindset. More importantly, though, a very flexible mindset which is even more important. And then body to a person, each of these individuals took care of themselves literally physically and nutritionally by exercising and eating and drinking right. And then business business is so multifaceted. There are so many skill sets that one must master to develop a thriving and successful business and then to grow it.
Skill sets like sales team building systematize leadership marketing. I could go on and on run. The thing is to master just one skill set can take a very long time. It's like becoming an expert in anything, you know, an expert. I think the number is that one must focus on one thing for ten thousand hours and then they can be deemed an expert. Similar with mastering a skill set. The good news is you don't have to master every skill set that's necessary and the. The the reason is, is because you only need that master one skill set, and I actually mentioned it here just a moment ago as one of those on the list, and that is the one skill set of leadership. And once you've mastered that skill set, then you are armed with the ability to bring in other individuals who have already mastered those other skill sets that you have yet to master. And quite frankly, some you never will, because there's just not enough time in one's life to master that many things. And so that's that's good news, actually. So I just want to point that out for you as well. And another wonderful side artifact or or, yeah, fact about very successful people is that to a person, they are all also very avid readers of books. And with that, I'd like to Segway into a little segment I affectionately call bookmarks.
Bookmarks going to read bookmarks ready, steady read bookmarks brought to you by reach your peak library icon.
All right, this is a very short segment, I promise. Travis is coming on right after this. He is waiting in the wings. He is biting his tongue. He can't wait. He's ready to launch forward. I love it. He is smiling ear to ear. I get to see him. You don't yet, but he has got some white teeth. I am envious. He's a great, great looking young man. Anyway, reach your peak library. Com What I wanted to basically tell you right before we jump into this explanation of what this is, it's a short one is I would implore of you that when you're watching this show and you are getting resources like this, reach your peak library. I know Travis will have some as well. We'll be showing certain websites and resources on the screen as we go through Tonight Show. What I would like to impart upon you is advice, and that is, rather than go clicking away, opening a tab on your browser and going and looking at these resources while the show is going. Rather than do that, I would recommend that you instead write down these resources. I mean, I'm talking old school, literally write them down, like reach your peak library and don't visit it until after the show is over. Here's why I've spoken on many stages taught many training sessions, many seminars, and I've seen this happen over and over again.
I know I'm getting to that one sweet spot, that one spot that could literally change a person's life. And I watched somebody get up and leave the room because they had to go to the restroom or something. They got diverted. Their attention was taken away from the stage. And the same goes here. This is a virtual stage, but I think you understand where I'm going with this. So enough of that off of my soapbox. I'm running the show and I will be taking notes myself, so I'm not asking you to do anything that I wouldn't do. I'm just I'm going into Coach Bryan mode if that's OK. All right, here we go. Reach your peak library. That is a website that I had built literally with you in mind. This may sound a little cheesy, but I literally had this done for no other purpose. But to give you entrepreneurs, budding entrepreneurs, successful entrepreneurs at any stage in your career, a place that you can go to where you know that the books that are in this resource are have been vetted by at least one other successful entrepreneur so that your odds of wasting your time reading a book are greatly diminished.
That was the whole purpose behind it. And I myself did not begin reading voraciously until the age of what was it? Forty seven, I am now 57. It's only ten years and I started devouring books after I learned the incredible benefits. So you see them scrolling up next to me and they're in no particular order. Just read the the title. Some of them you probably have read already, others you haven't. Just whatever first one jumps off the page, just click on the button. And by the way, this is not here for making money, not for my company. It goes straight to Amazon. Yes, there's an affiliate type to it. I might make a few pennies, literally, but that's not what this is here for. It's a resource for you, and I just want to give you that as a gift. Before we even move in, we have more gifts to impart upon you. At least one phenomenal one. So you do want to stick around to the end will be announcing that what that is here in just a moment and talking about incredible people, successful people, people that are changing the game that are helping others that are serving. It's time to bring on our very special guest expert. Are you ready? Here we go. Let's do it.
It's time for the guest expert, spotlight savvy, skillful, professional, adept, trained, big league qualified.
And there he is, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, it is the one, the only Trevis Hurley. Yeah. Welcome to the show, Travis. How are you doing, my man?
I'm doing quite well, Brian, how about yourself?
I'm doing phenomenal because I get to speak with great people like yourself, and this is going to be a lot of fun. Before we dove into it, a little bit of housekeeping, I wanted to tell everybody about that red logo above Travis's left shoulder. If you're watching this on video on the right of your screen, it's called the big insider secrets. They sponsor our show and what they have enabled us to do is for those of you that stay on with us, live until the end. This is a live video show for those of you listening in on podcasts. Sorry, but this is a live video show. And for those of you, it's down to the end. You'll learn how you can enter to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. All compliments again of the big insider secrets. We are so blessed that we get to do this every single show. So stick with us. You do not want to miss this. And then we got a couple more, and then we're going to dove deep into Mr. Hurley's brain. Yeah, literally. We're going to do it. So get ready. So if you're struggling with putting a live show together and it's overwhelming and you want a lot of the processes done for you while still enabling you to put on a high quality show and connect with great people like Travis Hurdy and grow your business all at the same time, then head on over to carpet bomb marketing, carpet bomb marketing, saturate the marketplace with your message, and one of the key components that is contained in the carpet bound marketing program is one that you'll learn how to absolutely master.
It's the very service we are using to stream our live show right here right now on the Mind Body Business Show and over the course of the past, gosh, 10 plus years now, we have tried many of these quote unquote TV studio solutions for live streaming and stream art is the best of the best. It combines supreme ease of use along with unmatched functionality. Write this down. Visit it later. You want to go to our WIP dot? I am forward. Slash streamline. Yes, that is a web address. So our WIP stands for Reach Your Peak, which is the name of my company. So R.I.P., I am for such stream. Live all lowercase all together. So go ahead and start streaming high quality, professional looking live shows for free. Actually, you can start for free with streaming right now, but not right now. Do it after the show is over. So go ahead and visit that site afterward. All right, bringing back the man, the myth, the legend himself, Mr. Travis Hurley. And now it's time to give him the proper introduction the one that he deserves. Does that sound good, Travis? Real quick intro
Sounds like a plan,
Right? Travis Hurley is a personal lines insurance agent who supports families and individuals with their auto home and life insurance with Liberty Mutual. I love Lemieux IMO. He graduated in 2020 with dual majors in finance and marketing from the University of New Hampshire's Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics. Dual major. My goodness, most people barely can finish one. That's very impressive. Shortly after he began his journey in entrepreneurship by founding Wild Capital LLC and facilitating a joint venture that invested in six units of multifamily real estate their first year and. I won't give it away when you did that, Travis, I'll ask you to give that away in a moment because that in itself is impressive. And so again, formally, officially welcome to the show, Mr. Travis Hurley. It's going to be a lot of fun.
Absolutely, thank you so much for having me.
You bet. Yeah, so one things I love to do. Open each and every show with amazing people as yourself is, you know, we've all gone through these hardships daily. We face what I like to call setbacks. And man, Willie Jolly, he's an author. He's one of those books who saw there. He has a great scene. He says a setback is a setup for a comeback and it's a great mindset to have. And I can tell just by talking to you before the show tryouts that you have a similar mindset. But I'm curious for you going through the arduous task that lay ahead of you the next day you sleep, that night you wake up, you know, OK, I've got a full time business and I've got my own personal entrepreneurial business, and it's got to sometimes be overbearing. But for you, when those thoughts come across your mind, what is going on in that big, beautiful brain of yours that's keeping you driven, keeping you moving forward each and every day, day in and day out?
Absolutely, that's a great question. For me, it's really twofold. First and foremost, I want to make sure that my family is prosperous in our lifetimes. We unfortunately, as we've kind of talked a little bit before the show, we unfortunately lost a member of our family when I was in high school, which led to a lot of distress for us and in the following years. So really, you know, my primary motivation is to make sure that you know, me and my family, we're doing as best as we possibly can to make sure everyone's happy, healthy and enjoying life as much as possible. And second to that, I'm a very, very service oriented person. I really want to make sure that, as we all know, life is short. I want to make sure that I'm spending as much time as I can, providing as much value for individuals, families, what have you to make sure that I'm really providing the greatest impact possible on my time here on Earth?
My God, I love I so love what I get to do because of you, because of people like you, Travis. I'm not kidding. I'm not being weird. I have goose bumps under my jacket. I just so struck me to the core that you are such you're so young. If you if you don't mind my sharing your age, if that be OK or you can share it.
That's quite all right.
You're twenty four years old and you already get it. Many folks, including myself at that age, were more self-centered, meaning more focused on things, on accomplishments, on the house, on the cars, on things like that you had. You could have said nothing about that so far. First, it's family. Take care of your family. And second, included in that is a service oriented mind mindset and approach to life, not just business. And I can tell that's what is you at your core and that will do you such great justice over your life if you continue to keep that going? That is something that entrepreneurs don't ever seem to lose. I've interviewed much, much older individuals that still have that burning fire, the same exact one service and taking care of people, providing them the most value because they just want to help. That is the core to, in my opinion, I have interviewed so many wonderful people. That is one of the core values that makes entrepreneurs successful is their desire for true, authentic desire to help others. And you have that. So kudos to you for coming to that point at such an early stage in your life.
So you are going to be one of those phenomenal shooting for the stars and making it their kind of people, and I can't wait to watch your journey as we go on. You better stay in touch so I can follow along during your journey forward. Yeah, this is fantastic. You've really inspired me already. We've just started. That's our show. Goodnight, everybody. I mean, we could be done by now, but no, we've got much more to go through. One thing is I opened with. In the show was the topic of reading books and how, you know, for me personally, I didn't start for a very long time till later in life, but I'm so glad I did. It's been a life changer. No kidding. And I was just curious if you hold the same importance when it comes to the value of reading books that will help you in your business and your personal life. So would you consider yourself to be an avid reader as Travis Hurley? Are you an avid reader?
I definitely am. I've been absolutely, you know, huge lover of reading since a very young age, actually, as you can imagine. Of course, it started with a lot of fiction, but since you went to college, it's been exclusively nonfiction, and it's been a really incredible way for me to gain a lot of value in self-improvement. I think one kind of major thing I think about when I'm, you know, being very intentional about selecting the books that I'll be reading is that reading the enormous compounding effect over time. And that's why I've tried so hard to read a lot of the books that are high level with regards to, you know, your mindset as early as possible. A So I can reread them again later, of course, and have my experiences help mold that over time, but also that compound effect so that earlier I can get all of this up in my brain, then the longer it will have to develop and hopefully we'll make that, you know, success meter a little bit sooner.
I love that, so you've actually read books more than once.
Absolutely have.
So I have a question for you, so let's say it's the second time you've read the book. You just finished it. Was it was it the same book that I mean, did you get the same information, exact information out of it as you did the first time?
Yeah, excellent question, and usually, no, I would say usually, of course, there's the common themes that are excellent refreshers. However, I feel like given usually I try and space out by a couple of years, you know, usually three or four or five, if I can, so that I can, you know, have had enough development so that I put how I'm reading it again. You know, my perspective has changed so much that, as you mentioned, I'm reading almost entirely new things between the lines every time I go through it. For me, the book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is really the one that I'm really planning. I would say rereading the most in my lifetime since I think there's so much value in those pages, and I feel like the value, you know, compounds as well, the more your perspective changes and the more it's soaks in after additional reads.
Ok, so you're telling me that the second time you read a book, you've got a different experience from it, correct? And thereby, the book is actually different in your from your perspective. So I have a book here and I just have a question. So the book you read the second time, was it the same book with the same pages and the same words? Or were pages ripped out or things mixed around? I'm just curious how it got so different.
Apso, same book, same pages. One aspect of it that would be different, though, is sometimes I like to notate in the pages or I'll do a lot as I'll fold the corners, then to kind of give additional emphasis to certain areas, certain pages, what have you. So that it kind of makes the reading experience a little bit different, even if the words are the same.
I love it and thank you for playing along. You knew I was being a little sarcastic there, and the point of this is I just I go into coaching mode so often I love teaching. And there's a phrase often used and it's called repetition is the key to mastery. There is a perfect example of it, right? There is reading the same book. That's a repetitive task and you get more out of it. Different things. Yeah, I can call out a book. It's called The Big Boom by my mentor, Mel Cutler. He's on the Richard Book Library site as well. I read that I can't tell you how many times he also had an audio CD I listen to, and I did this for a reason, though I needed to go on stage and teach his students his material. And so that became my quote unquote Bible. I'm Christian. I know I have the Bible, but that was my stage Bible, if you will, and I needed to know the information. And so I'd keep going over it, over it, over it. And I can't tell you every single time what blew my own mind was I learned something different every single time. And so that's just a nice little way to let people know that, you know, repetition is the key to mastery doing things over and over and over when you hear the same thing for the second, third and fourth time, have an open mind because you will learn more. Even if it's the same exact material, you will still learn more if your mind is open to it.
And so I'm off my soapbox, but thank you for that. That wonderful explanation of how it was your perception that had changed, and that's exactly it. And it's the same in business, right? In business, we start at a certain point and then we grow to another point. It's because we are continually doing the same thing over and over to the point where we start to master it, and now we're ready to move to the next stage. And it's a repetitious thing and it's not boring in any stretch. So I don't people get the wrong idea there, but it just works in such a beautiful manner when you really dedicate yourself to something and you don't give up. That's another tidbit there. I wanted to bring up one thing about you, Travis in the bio and in the intro, you are obviously working on two different things. At the same time, you have one foot in the corporate space where you have a full time job in the insurance industry and you have another foot landed solidly in the real estate industry as a liberated entrepreneur. And I was just curious, and this is more for the folks watching and listening than for me. What why do you do that? A lot of people struggle to do one thing you're doing, too. And I'm imagining you do the second one, the entrepreneurship, probably every spare waking moment you have. What was your decision? What was your thought process in making that decision to go off and also do entrepreneurship at the same time?
That great, great question. So let's say it really started off back in college where I had read the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, which I know many have and got some more insight into that, which is that I realized, OK, it's very important to get additional streams of income as early as possible. Real estate, of course, being the asset class for millionaires and any other, you know, that kind of tuned to click, OK. I got to get into real estate. I had known a few folks who got into real estate, you know, invested a few smaller properties here and there. But I really realized, OK, you know, I don't have the the funds to buy a property myself. How can I get into this space? And what I did was a joint venture with several of my peers and a former finance professor from the University of New Hampshire in order to kind of get us started with our first couple of properties. But in response to your kind of original question, you know, definitely it can be tough, as you can imagine having, you know, my full time job, which is capacity. It's not really 48 hours a week. It's, you know, when the job is done. So therefore, it tends to usually be a lot more than 40 and then with the real estate side as well. I'm very fortunate that my mentor, Alex Talcott, is an incredible guy and I'm very fortunate to get to do a lot of work with him in the side to help support his work doing as a syndication fund really based around community economic development, which has been something that, as we've talked about in the beginning, it's definitely a passion for me to help serve others.
But even though it's a lot of time and can be a lot of effort and sometimes as we all do on my cheese, you know, I really took on all this work, but it and the real estate, it really keeps me interested. I'm someone that if I do just one thing at a time, I really love having, you know, kind of multiple avenues that I'm exploring. At the same time, keep things fresh so that when the insurance side, you know, gets a little long, you know, I can kind of give it over to your real estate side and kind of pick up where that left off and kind of keep the enthusiasm going. Just in a different area and also which is another amazing aspect of being able to be in both industries, is that I get to experience and connect with from both sides that wouldn't really get to connect with otherwise, as we kind of spoke about before. There's definitely a pretty good amount of overlap, but the industry is in certain regards, but there's a lot of people that I've connected with now that I just wouldn't be if I hadn't started a while capital.
Yeah, it's interesting. I have a similar background in the fact that I've done both corporate and entrepreneurship at the same time and all that. And you know, a lot of people in entrepreneurs space look at corporate space and just go ick. And I understand why having been through it. But I like to look at it and go, What could I? What did I learn from it? And there are actually a good number of things that I've taken from what I learned in the corporate world and pull them into my own business that have been beneficial. Things like having some structure. Entrepreneurs like to just go crazy and do things the ones I met. They like to do things off the cuff with very little structure. And I see that that the quality of their execution in getting the product to their clients suffers. As a result, even when I'm the client, I notice things like, My gosh, you didn't think about that before you started all this and charge that kind of money. And so get to mesh the two together and take the best from the corporate side. And the worst of the corporate side is the daggone meetings, so many meetings and so many of them are just useless waste of time. They're just there to listen to the one person who who who wanted to have a meeting. But there are good times and bad times. There are need, there are need places for meetings and things like that. But it's a great lesson to learn. So I don't look at any of that experience with negativity. I look at what did I learn from it, both from a positive and negative side so that I know what to do and what not to do or what to implement in my business? Are you finding any of that to be true with your experience yet?
Absolutely, I think that big things I really wanted to join Liberty Mutual were a similar sized corporation out of college. We knew they would have, as you mentioned, you know, time tested structure already in place. You know, they have systems and processes that would allow me to go into a system that's already working to further develop myself and my habits, which I think, you know, really, I think habits are really a measure of sick time so that I can ensure my long term success by leveraging the models that they already have created. You know, as they would say, you don't need to reinvent the wheel, which has been a perfect example of my experience with liberty that I was able to get excellent experience getting to shadow and work with some amazing and amazingly talented sales professionals, while also kind of developing those systems and processes not only for selling insurance, but really for being a business. I've been very fortunate that I've had the experience of almost two years now, actually with liberty to kind of develop myself in that way.
And a shout out again to Alex Turcotte, who was on this show prior, and it's wonderful that he is mentoring you and probably others, but that's just the entrepreneurial spirit. We have a comment coming in from YouTube. Liza Harvey says Hi, Brian Travis is an inspiring guest. I would have to agree. I love how he put rich dad, poor dad to work. And Brian, I was surprised to hear you quote Willy Jolly. I've read everything he's written. He's not quoted often. Yeah, he is one of those hidden gems, and I'm so glad I picked up his book. And he says a set up as a setback is a setup for a comeback, and he says it so many times throughout the book. Repetition is key to mastery, so I never forgot it. Amazing. Amazing guy. So Willie Jolly. For those of you that have never heard of him, that's on reach your peak library if you want to go check that out. The book that I read from him is there. Very amazing motivational speaker. Great energy. Another great author for folks to pick up a book and learn from. Thank you for pointing that out, Lisa, because we want to share that with other folks. Travis on that note. Um, besides the books you've already mentioned. What would you say is one that stands out, that's been a more recent read that you've noticed that gave you some insight or gave you some results that you wouldn't have had if you had not read it.
Absolutely. So what I'm reading right now is called thinking fast and oh, by Daniel Kahneman. It's written by Coleman, who is a Nobel Prize winner in economics, and it really is an incredible book that really blends together psychology statistics into helping us understand not only how we think, but I think and for me, especially in a sales capacity. I'm someone that I am. I'm a very analytical thinker. I think with numbers, it's part of why I do refinance, and I found the book to be really, truly insightful in the way that helps you understand, OK? Talk about the system one, the system to bring your system, one being your brain. That is very much, you know, it's goes with the flow and it's very kind of automatic greatest give to focus on kind of speak about the book is, you know, you're just a witness, what's working when you're just driving down the highway, you know, you're not thinking about it, you're on cruise control, both figuratively and literally. And then your system to brain is a much more intentional, you know, it really, it's forcing a very complex, complicated, hard thought into really discerning decision that you're going to make. And it's interesting how the book really talks about how a lot of instances where you know you're in situations where we don't even realize it, our system one brain takes over and care, and then we realize when we actually go and use our system to brand much more intentional, much more complex thought and really thinking it through, we realize, oh, we came to a solution that, you know, intuitively, it sounds correct.
But in reality, when you actually can't, for example, do out the math, you realize, Oh, that's completely incorrect. It's just what you actually want you to jump to the conclusion that's, you know, right there in front of you, the proverbial, you know, low hanging fruit that's like that's been kind of one constant from the book with taking heart and really, you know, really enjoy quite a bit since it's kind of one thing that. I think most folks kind of don't think about, especially in sales. You know, it's it's the people business and it's not really about you. It's really about other people and understanding how others not only make decisions, how they come to those decisions, whether they it's a conscious or subconscious thing. Since for most folks, as the kind of talks about in the book, it really is a subconscious decision process. Most of the time. So it really helps us kind of provide a framework to kind of how to adapt yourself and your process to be more effective in that capacity.
I love it. I love it. It's not about you. It's about other people. That is a bomb dropping moment right there, bombs of wisdom, knowledge bombs, smart bombs, that was amazing. Yes, I agree with everything you just said and. My gosh, at twenty four. Very, very bright, very experienced already, and I can tell you've put a lot of system to brain into this over the over the years. I prefer System one because it's more relaxing because I've been system to most of my life and it, but I still use the system to. But when I'm watching movies, it's system one all the way. I don't want to think I don't want to analyze. I don't want to. I don't want a whodunit. I just want to sit back, relax and be entertained because I've been system to all day long, baby. I want to relax. So that was really neat breakdown. Can you repeat the name of the book one more time?
Absolutely. The name of the book is thinking fast and slow. By Daniel Kahneman.
Daniel, thank you so much. So the reason I'm asking for that clarification is for folks that are watching or listening on the podcast later, something I often do when a guest such as Travis Hurley comes on and recommends a book or says that this book is is impactful, which you just did, it's impactful for you. I always write it down. And then the next step after the show is over as I'll go to Audible. I love listening to books and order it and put it in my library. That way, it's, you know, it could be the next reach your peak library book that gets added to the list, depending on my personal what it does with me personally in my business and my personal life. Either one, the way you just described it sounds like it's a very good, compelling book and a valuable read for anybody. And it's great that you're talking about subconscious brain. It's like, my goodness, have you ever heard of the concept or the science known as neuro linguistic programing or NLP for short?
I have not no one.
Oh, this is fantastic, and this will just be something to investigate later, reach out to me later. You want to talk about a life changing science? I learned about it at about the same age of forty seven, forty six, forty seven and became fully immersed in it and became certified in it and then taught it and used it with my clients. And it's the science of success, and it just basically gives you the tools to reprogram your subconscious brain in a way that better serves your own self. It's your brain doing the work. No one else is changing anything about you. They're not rewiring your brain. It's your brain that loves you and wants to protect you. It's your brain that just wants results fast, and this science helps you to get your brain to that position. It's unbelievable. So for you and anyone else that has never heard of this? Reach out to me. I don't train in it. I don't. I don't have a course in it. But I do know specifically one person I have in mind that I could turn you on to who could help you down that line.
It's just amazing. You could just have a chat. So neuro linguistic programing. Write that down and LP for short. There are a couple of books in your library. This is the most I've ever mentioned. Reach your peak library. It's like I'm advertising it, but it's really not a place to make money, but it's a great resource and I really believe in it. Let's see. Oh, my goodness. One of the key ingredients of success is I open. The show is one of the three letters that's on the the name of the show here. It's the middle one called body. And some people don't really take this one into account when it comes to the overall success, and they let their body go basically to waste. I don't mean that in a horrible way. They just don't take care of it the way it could be taken care of and should be taken care of. And I was just curious how important that aspect of being physically fit, being nutritionally fit. How important is that to you in your business and your personal life? What what kind of impact does it have on you?
Excellent question. It really has an incredible impact, and I'm someone that's been very, very passionate about physical fitness since a young age, since about 14 years old where I started weightlifting about six, five or six days a week. I think that annual exercise, regardless of the type of exercise you do, is so crucial towards long term success. I would say primarily, if nothing else, for a stress relief. I think it naturally creating those endorphins, you know, gives you the pleasure receptors that really make you happy after a workout in the runner's high. They talk about, but also especially just for the fact that it gives you an opportunity to do something different. You know, get up for your day, move around in a way that gives you really energy in the moment, but really lasting energy. And they talk a lot of it in the fitness community about the fact that they call the non and of course, like basically a lasting burn that comes from a very intense cardiovascular activity that your body actually continues to burn calories at a faster rate for one to two days or intense. They call it a hit training high interval intensity training for up to two days after. And you think about how that affects not only your brain, but also your energy levels that even doing periodic cardiovascular activity of any intensity really, I think, has an incredibly positive impact on only your mindset, your ability to relieve stress, but also just gives you the energy you need to kind of push through those harder days and otherwise have it. And as they say as well, I think it does wonders for confidence, as I say, look good. It really is an enjoyable thing to do. I think I love lifting weights and working out running. It really is fantastic. I don't get nearly enough time for it these days. It was great back in high school and college when I had a lot more time to go for as long as I wanted. But really, I think a crucial aspect of my success in the long term is staying physically fit for as long as possible.
And I think those are words to live by it, no matter what age, and even if you're say you're on in years, a little bit more like myself or even more and you have not been working out or exercising on a regular basis. You said the key Travis that will help people to ease into it. And that is you said at any intensity. A lot of times folks think they need to go in and do what is that one form of, Oh, it became a craze. I can't remember it. It was very high, high intensity training. Oh my gosh, they're all over the place studios before COVID hit, but it was like, Oh my gosh, it's too intense for most people. But the point is, you don't have to be. It does not have to be intense. It just needs to be get up and move. If you're just starting out, it means get on a treadmill and walk, go outside and walk, walk as far as you can and get a good get your lungs expand. I used to be a personal trainer, so you know, every everyone is at a different level and just work out to your level. There's no need. You're not going to win a trophy.
You're not going to become a bodybuilder or a supermodel overnight. Believe me, it takes a long time for that and and the whole point of it is to feel better. And when you feel better as you do it and you focus on feeling better, you'll find out you start looking better because you're doing the work and all of it. It's just this great snowball effect of positive. You know, it's the best drug on the planet is having worked out or exercised without any side effects, bad side effects, they have all good side effects. And another guest of mine, Travis, I've learned so much from people like you that come on. The show also expressed the importance or the added benefit of if you're about to face an arduous task, something that you're not really, you know, thinking so great or or it's one of those system to brain needed type task, then work out right before it and it amps up your energy and you can now power through it with all the alertness and everything that your body needs to give it. There's a saying that a real good friend of mine once said is that the mind and body are a team. More importantly, the mind and body are your team, and so you want to take care of both.
So you have things like neuro linguistic programing for your mind and mindset, and then you have working out an exercise and good nutrition for your body. Then you add the business to it. So really, you need to take care of mind and body before business. And many people just dove into business and then their mind and body suffer because they have everything in the business basket. And you just kind of pointed it out that once you got through college, your time is not as ample as it was before. You have a full time job, you have an actual entrepreneurship business going and wait until you have wife and family. Then you'll see how much time you have or you used to have it. It keeps it keeps etching away at it. But the point is making it a priority in your life. Oh, we have a question, I love it, so. Ok. This will be a good one. Let's see what how Travis handles this question, which will be masterfully. So Lisa Harvey, as Travis, mentioned how family time is important. What is his best recommendation for time management so business and family both thrive? Great question, Lisa.
That's an excellent question. Thank you for asking it. Now, I would say approach towards time management to ensure that you have appropriate time for both family and business is kind of a business technique, which is to schedule it, which might be funny to some folks. I feel like it's really important to kind of keep it as a rock in your calendar that if it's not in your calendar, it's so easy to if you're like, Hey, OK, let's all hang out at seven o'clock on Thursday. But if you don't, you know, put in your calendar for folks you know who are religious about the calendar like myself, it's very easy to get to Thursday and be like, Oh, there's a hundred other things I got to do. You know, I'm behind on this. I got to get ready for that. You know, we can. We just put it off till next Thursday, and then that happens again and then again, which is, you know, not what anyone wants. And it's just not good for the mental. I feel like that's why it's so important to have for everyone to in advance know, get it on everyone's, you know, I say calendar, but you know, it can be, you know, if needed, to ensure that no matter what, you're kind of both locked in, there's no, you know, rescheduling, you know, it's on the calendar. It's happening because as we know that time with the plane, that's the most important time you're going to spend that day or that week. I think we all would agree with that. But we also I think we'd all agree that business can sometimes get in the way, which is why it's, I think, so important to be proactive about ensuring that they have, you know, adequate boundaries between the two to ensure that you're both being successful in your business life. And so it's getting the fulfillment and happiness that we all love and want and need in our personal lives as well.
I personally think he hit the nail on the head, I used to teach this from stage and I was teaching from a fitness standpoint of, you know, most people will put off working up because it's literally painful depending on the exercise. You're doing it. It's not, you know, people can look at it as not too much fun. And I said the same exact thing is schedule it, get it in your calendar. We all have. We all have technology at our fingertips. You can put it in your Google calendar or whatever calendar are you using of your choice and it will give you reminders. And I always say to put it there and treat it as if it was an appointment with a client, a very important client and never waver from it. Make it part of your life, and it doesn't mean you have to schedule at the same time of the day every single day. If you like variety, which I'm a big fan of, I can tell Travis is to do what works for you. But but stick to it. Do the best you can to say I have an appointment with my gym or with my treadmill or whatever your house happens to be and stick with it and give yourself time to shower.
Clean up whatever you need to do afterward, but just schedule it. And the same with business and family management. You can put family time in there. It's movie night. It's date night with the wife. Whatever it happens to be, one of the best things you can do is schedule it. And that's a beautiful thing of like things like Google Calendar. You know, my wife and I, we share our calendars with each other so I can see what her day is like and vice versa. And so that's another fantastic way to do it. So you hit the nail on the head. You said it much more succinctly. Schedule it, and that's all you really need to do. Great advice. I, I I totally agree with that. Thank you for that question, Lisa. That was fantastic. Hmm. Hmm. So many things I want to talk about and ask you. So when it comes to OK, I'll ask you about one on each. So when it comes to your insurance industry, your insurance job, what do you find the most intriguing and enjoyable parts of that job? What is that one aspect that you think? You know, I like this a lot about being a Lions insurance agent.
Absolutely. I would say the biggest thing I really enjoy the most about getting to be a personal lines insurance agent is that, you know, as I mentioned and because my family lost my father when I was 15, that creates some financial distress. He was someone that unfortunately, he had a very serious accident when he was 19 years old. I mean, because of that, he was actually uninsurable. So unfortunately, he passed away without life insurance. So one part of my job that's incredibly fulfilling is helping to make sure that other families, but we'll have to go through the financial distress that mind me and my family had to go through, but also to help further mitigate risk with them across the board, whether that's their house, whether that's their vehicles, no matter what. I get a ton of fulfillment and pleasure out of making sure that people feel comfortable and confident in their insurance situation to make sure that even on your worst day, it's going to be a little bit better because we had a plan in place to make sure you were protected as much as possible. And you know, a great example of that is that I had a client. We've a great kind of my for about a year and a half now.
Her family bought a new house just a year ago, actually. And unfortunately, the house fire just a couple of weeks ago. It was about a $300000 claim and I was so glad, which I was weird to say that when I read, I found out about it because she had amazing coverage in place. And while you know they were not able to live in the home for a period of time because of the extent of the damage, we had adequate coverage that her and her family could live in a hotel, the same kind of like quality and standard that they're used to. I'm told they were able to move back into the home and it helped, you know, while it's not going to be the same, but it still helps them kind of have a better transition to get back to back to normal. So it really, really I would say the best part of my job is making sure that folks, even on those worst days, it's a little bit better because they hopefully they know that I'm in their corner, helping make sure that their is protected as possible.
It's it's been rare in my experience in my life to see someone as passionate as you are in the insurance industry, and I appreciate that about you, that you're not just doing it for the paycheck, even though that is important. You have a literal reason for doing it. And you had a life experience that kind of nudged you in that direction. And I think that's commendable. As all get out, that is amazing. Then I wanted to ask you the same thing about Wild Capital LLC or real estate business that you have going. What is it about that? What if you can think of one thing that really motivates you, that makes you happy, that really fulfills you in that venture? What would that be?
That's a great question. Let me think about that for just over a second. So I would say in the real estate side of things, I would say what gets me really, really excited and gives me a lot of fulfillment is that as I mentioned earlier with regards to reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad and understanding the importance of getting additional income streams, you know, while that is important, you know, for financial security and eventual financial freedom, while it's important for me and my family, I am really passionate about the idea of helping to create a system where I can help do that for others. It started with my initial team meeting four of my peers from school. So my great friends and hopefully, you know, as the course progresses, can continue to do that for ourselves and then use that as a vehicle to help teach others the same thing. You know, I think that biggest thing about real estate investing is that a lot of folks think it's so much harder and more difficult and more complex to get into that it really is. And I always tell folks, you know, really the most important thing is to just get the first property under your belt. You know, as soon as you could do the first one, it gets much easier from there.
I tell everyone as well as my team and myself that as well find yourself a mentor. Mentorship is incredibly important, but actually in the real estate space, since it's, you know, seemingly the barrier seems so high and I feel like it's going to be something that's going to be giving me a lot of fulfillment in the coming years of helping folks get to this kind of same place that my team and I are striving to get to, which is a place of financial freedom. With that, additional streams of income and then eventually, hopefully also working on some efforts of some community economic development and that work on my real estate mentor. He's been incredibly involved in the community throughout the state of New Hampshire, New England and really the country as well, helping affordable housing efforts, which is something that definitely is near and dear to my heart as well. And you know, I am incredibly fortunate to even have the opportunity to work with him, let along support him in these amazing philanthropic efforts. So for me, it's really multifaceted on the real estate side, but I really I can't get enough of really both, but that's what it is for me.
Find yourself a mentor. You know what that is. As another bomb dropping moment, my goodness. Knowledge bombs, smart bombs, bombs of wisdom. Oh, and then you know, you said fine, find yourself a mentor. That is key. That is. One of the most important points made tonight is the importance of finding someone else who can help you that knows more than you do about a certain that has mastered a skill set that you seek to also do the same. And oftentimes that will come at a price, a financial price. And that's OK when people have skin in the game. When you have investment on the line, you're more apt to go deeper in and do the system to bring brain approach and really dove deep and get everything you can out of it. And as a result, you get better results. And so very important a mentor or a coach, trainer, whatever the case may be for wherever you are at and what you're looking to improve upon. Oh my gosh. My mentor was amazing. I learned so much. I learned how to speak from stage effectively. I wouldn't be doing this show without that training. Another gentleman showed me time management, which you alluded to earlier from that question, and I was like, Wow, I didn't realize I could get so doggone much done in such a short period of time and not feel exhausted. It was amazing. Sometimes you just don't know what you don't know. And bringing in an expert to help, you can just take your life to another level. So mentorship, find yourself a mentor. Great. Great tip.
And the other thing I've never heard anybody do this, Travis. You just you made my day. You made my night because you're in the real estate industry. And there is one reason I never went into that. And and this was my own reason. And you just rewired my brain on it in a great way. But my reason for never wanting to go into real estate is the way I saw it from my mind's eye was that I was not actually helping anyone. I was only helping myself and my my wallet. And that's because that's what all I ever heard about from real estate professionals over and over and over, I was like, That doesn't interest me. I have nothing against them. This is just my own value system, my own opinion. But what you said completely changed everything you said so that you can then teach someone else how to do what you're doing. That was that was genius, that was beautiful. That was profound, and it was honest, it was authentic. And I thought, Wow, maybe I will get into real estate now because if I can show somebody else how to do it and it changes, it will change our financial outlook for the better. And that can help them with other things. Now it frees you and liberates you to invest or maybe move on and do another business that you're interested in. But whatever the reason is, if you're teaching somebody a valuable skill, what a great. What a great answer, Kravis. That was phenomenal. Kudos. That is just that. That really shocked me in a great way.
I was like, Man, what is he going to see about real estate? That that, OK, the show is over. We're done. That was it that we don't need anymore. I'm kidding. We have a few more minutes. Oh my gosh, we're getting down to the end. I can't believe it. That's a good sign. It's a good sign. I've been having fun anyway. I hope you have two and all you watching and listening. I hope the same is true for you. Oh my goodness. So yeah, it's probably a good time to bring it up. So I didn't I didn't forget. For those of you that stay on life to the end, you're going to find out how you can win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. Compliments of the big insider secrets. You see that above Travis's left shoulder there on video, and we'll be bringing that up in a moment. But one of the things I always like to do Travis, and we're not quite there yet, but I like to close every show out with this one question, and I hope Alex didn't didn't reveal what that question was, and you're not ready for it yet, because it's fun. That one question I like to close out. It just turned out by kind of accident. I have to ask it over the course of the interview process on occasion, and I noticed that the answers were like interesting, more interesting than most of the other questions I would ask. And I decided, You know what? I'm going to start closing every show with this. And the reason is because it's such a profound question.
It elicits amazing answers and it can be a little personal, but it's it's just it's powerful and profound. And I know you're like going, Holy Moly, what is that all about? Before we get to that, I want to let people know how to connect with you and you have a website through Liberty Mutual. And if that's OK, I want to bring that up right now and show the folks and then read it off to those. Now he has a longer URL. I shortened it using my own shortener just because it would take me all night to read out the URL that he had originally because it's provided by the company he works for, and it's not. They will leave it at that. So to connect with Travis, you want to go to the following website It's our WIP. I'm forward slash Travis Hurley R.I.P.. I am forward slash Travis Hurley and that's Travis Shkreli. Why all lowercase b? Very important. It's all lowercase. And that will take you straight to his website, which is at Liberty Mutual. And I just I was telling Travis before we started, I don't know why I'm kind of a geek. I just love those commercials. It's just so fun. I'm going to bring up his website so you can get a gander of it real quick and we'll show you where it is. And Travis, if you don't mind, give a quick overview of your services, who you provide them for, who's your target market and always let you take it away as I bring up your website.
Absolutely. So luckily was, it's really an incredible opportunity when I work with them that I can offer coverage not just the Liberty Mutual, but also a dozen over a dozen partner carriers as well. So major even companies like you we've all heard of, like progressive and nationwide, most folks don't know that we can do that, but we absolutely can. And it's really amazing because really allows me to find the absolute best fit for you and your unique needs regardless. If it's with Liberty Mutual, that really allows me to make sure that, you know, regardless of your situation, you even if you're not a good fit with liberty, we're going to make sure we find you the best fit possible. And what's great. I always tell my clients as well. One of the things that sets me apart is that if I can't find you a great option for your insurance, I will refer you to one of my external insurance partners who will make sure you find a great fit so that no matter what, if you're coming to me, you will leave with a great fit with your options, either best coverage and best price possible. I also offer life insurance as well through protective life. As I've mentioned previously, that's an area that's very near and dear to my heart that I really enjoy. I'm going to help support families with, but with liberty, that's kind of the show of what I do with them. It's something that I really enjoy doing every day and I can't speak enough about my, you know, how much I've enjoyed my time with liberty and enjoyed getting to help folks with their auto home life insurance and also other things like boats and umbrellas and ATVs and all the fun toys that we all enjoy as well. So anything that area I'm able to help out with.
My goodness, that's phenomenal, it's almost like a brokerage, I had no idea it was like that where you could bring in pull other companies to fulfill on the insurance side of things. And the other part that I love that does set you apart is if you can't find the solution for them with what you have in your pocket, you'll take them to someone else's and put their hand in their pocket. That's phenomenal. That is a true, in my humble opinion, that is one of the the greatest mindsets. Approaches to becoming a successful person in business and in life is, look. My goodness, I could go on all night about this one, but I won't. I promise. But you know, I've been to so many networking events, seminars, boot camps and the like where you have, you can see them spot them a mile away, an entrepreneur running around with their deck of cards. It's their business cards, and they're just handing them to as many people as they can without really establishing any kind of relationship. And it's all about them. Instead, think about having that conversation where you talk to them and find out what it is they want. What do they need? And then if you can't fulfill any of their needs or their pain points, then do what Travis does and recommend others that you know who could. What happens is because look, what Travis has isn't for everybody, not everybody in his life insurance or car insurance, or all the insurance types that he provides.
And that's OK. But maybe you come to Travis and you ask him about something that possibly is different and off that, and he'll say, Well, I know somebody that can help you, and he won't make a dime from it. But guess what, if you ever do need insurance, where are they going to go? They're going to come right back to Travis. And that is a great lesson. So help people without expecting something in return because you'll see that that investment those little seeds that you're dropping in the soil, some of them will grow and bear a grapefruit and come back and they'll come back to you. But my my advice is don't do it with the intent of getting something in return. Do it with nothing but a giving an attitude because it comes back to you. I just know this from life experience being on the planet long enough. And I think, Travis, you're on to one of the secrets to success the recipes, and that is to serve people, help people with no ulterior motive. I can't help you. I would love to take your money, but I'm not going to, because so and so over here across the street can help you better and you'll be better served and you'll be a happier person as a result. Very few people do that percentage wise. So kudos, man. You're an amazing young man and I lost my pin. It just rolled away from me. I need my pin. I'll get it later. Man, that just disappeared off the planet.
That was crazy. I didn't hear it drop ringing. Oh, there it is. So I did promise everyone that before we left, and if you stayed life to the end that you would know you would find out how to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. And we're going to do that right now, and then we're going to come back and ask Travis that one big, profound question that I was talking about just a moment. So those you that are watching and remember always said, don't take your attention away. Well, now you have our permission, you'll need to just write this down. Just write this down and then you can go ahead and enter. You have time the show will be over and within. I don't know, get get to it within an hour or two and we'll still enter into the drawing. So here we go. I'm going to put it up on the screen and read it out loud. What you want to do is go to the following website. This is all you need to do to enter. It's our. Am for vacation all lowercase again brought to you by the fine folks at the big insider secrets. My great dear friend Jason Nest is the CEO and amazing, amazing human being. Just like Travis, very much wired the same our way forward slash vacation again. All lowercase. Just go there and to your information, you will automatically be entered. Winners will be selected randomly and that is all you need to do is go there.
So write that down. Are we for vacation? And be sure to enter to win a five night stay at a five star luxury resort. And it's an amazing thing. It's not where they're going to take you down to a basement and water water torture you into a timeshare. That's not how it works. I know this because the CEO himself tested the very pricey gives away by going several times, three times and each and every time, he said. It was amazing. It was a full blown, bona fide vacation today. So with that, we're going to come back to the man of the hour. That's Travis Travis Hurley, and we're going to ask this one profound, earth shattering, life altering question. Ok, I'm being a little bit dramatic. So, Travis, the thing about this question is there is no such thing as a wrong answer. It does not exist. In fact, it's the exact opposite. The only correct answer is your answer. That's the only thing that makes it personal. So we're not getting into your personal life or anything like that. It's it's unique to you. That's what makes it personal. If the answer comes to you like that, great. If it takes some thought great, it's your answer. It's unique to you. So with that, you can relax a little bit. If you're getting a little bit tense, you didn't look like it, though you're pretty poker face, you're good at that. But with that, are you ready?
I am.
All right. Here we go. Travis Hurley. How do you define success?
Nice, I love this question. Background I was in college, I was in an organization where I was able to conduct a lot of interviews, and this was my favorite question to ask. So Alex didn't tell me the question you asked. But look, I've been able to practice over time. So really, how I define success is really the freedom to use your time, how you see fit. Being able to Monday morning wake up. Ok, what do I want to do today? And for me personally, that would be how can I have the greatest impact today? And as I kind of alluded to earlier, I'm very service oriented person. I feel like one of the most important things that I can do in my life is have an impact on others, specifically not only because the course will impact their lives, but also because it'll have a massive cascading effect. Because if I can impart on them anything that will help them and the motivation to pay it forward, and they will continue to do that over their lifetimes for numerous other folks as well. And then if I can help create that momentum in that world to continue paying it forward towards others, then eventually we'll have an amazing system of folks just like the both of us, you know, going out now that their their time is their own and they're able to go forth, give as much impact as they possibly can. So it creates a cascading system of change and positive impact in the community.
You know what's coming, don't you? And now they go. You knew it was coming. That's fantastic. That's amazing, as are you? Travis Hurley, you are an amazing young man. You are already making a great impact on the world by just being here. And one of the things that you do, I can tell, is you just show up, you know, a little birdie told me this was your first ever podcast, and to me, you could have done two hundred before this one. You were made for this. You're made to help people. You're made to spread the word. You are made to be given great exposure so that folks can basically take your knowledge, your wisdom at such a great young age and put it into play for themselves. You have, you are. So far, I've got to tell you, you are so far advanced in your age, then so many that are double or triple your age and you're on a great path. And seriously, please stay in touch. I want to. I want to watch. I want to help. I want to nudge, maybe push any way I can because you're one of those people that is going to make profound differences on this planet before your time is up. I am absolutely convinced. So appreciate you for putting in the system one and system two brains on this as you go forward in your life. Is there any final parting word of advice you would have for, say, a budding entrepreneur is just looking to get started? You know, look, Travis, I don't know where to start. I'm working a full time job myself. What is your biggest takeaway or tip to tell them to give them hope to say, You know what? I did it. You can do it too. Is there something you like to say to those people that are watching or listening?
Absolutely. I would say my best piece of advice that I could give is that, you know, I see long term success as a measure of focus and good habits over time. I think that one of the biggest things that I speak about in the seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey I spoke about earlier is that's so important to start with the end in mind. And one thing that many folks may not know about me I'm actually an Eagle Scout. I'm from 177 out of Hampton, New Hampshire, and one of the the the slogan a motto of the Boy Scouts of America is to be prepared. And that's something that they talk about in the seven habits as well, that if you're the most prepared person possible and you start with the end of mind and you go at it in a proactive approach, there's literally no way that you can't be successful as long as you maintain perseverance and grit and a positive attitude.
Hmm. Where did you come from, Travis Hurley? You are an amazing young man looking forward to following your journey as you go forward. My goodness, we have to call it a night. Unfortunately, we've got a little over, but I'm OK with that. It's my show. I can do what I want. Plus, I'm not paying for studio time. It's awesome. Appreciate you, Travis, for coming on, for divulging your wisdom and your experience, and for truly what you have said tonight on this show and on this podcast will help individuals that have listened to it and watched it. So I appreciate you very much from the heart, and I look forward to seeing how things transpire for you going forward. So please stay in touch and reach out if you need anything, I promise.
Absolutely. I appreciate you having me. I have an absolute pleasure.
All right. And mine as well. My goodness. So on behalf of the amazing Travis Hurley, I am Brian Kelley, your host of the Mind Body Business Show. We'll be back again next week with another fantastic guest until then. Just keep digging. Keep pushing, never, ever, ever give up, and above all, be blessed, everyone. Take care and bye bye for now.
Thank you for tuning in to the Mind Body Business Show podcast at W WW. The Mind Body Business Show. My name is Brian Kelly.
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Travis Hurley
Travis Hurley is a personal lines insurance agent who supports families and individuals with their auto, home, and life insurance with Liberty Mutual. He graduated in 2020 with dual majors in finance and marketing from the University of New Hampshire’s Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics. Shortly after, he began his journey in entrepreneurship by founding Wild Capital, LLC and facilitating a joint venture that invested in 6 units of multifamily real estate their first year.
Connect with Travis: